For the 300th anniversary of Szeged, Maxin10sity created a 3D projection mapping show that crowned the months-long celebrations of the city by retrospect the history of the past three centuries. Vivifying the most important moments of Szeged on the facade was the result of the team work of our technical partner Visualpower Kft and Maxin10sity. The event organized by IH Rendezvényközpont indeed made a great impression in the city.
Szeged 300 Projection Mapping
Szeged, Hungary, 12/10/2019
Client: IH Rendezvényközpont
Director: Alex Szabo
Creative Directors: Andras Sass
Art Directors: Norbert Birgany, Laszlo Czigany
Music: Flaviu Ciocan, Marton Horvath, Gabor Nagysolymosi, Balint Bak
3D Artists: Tamas Varga, Norbert Baranyai, Balazs Peter, Laszlo Czigany, Andras Sass, Arnold Kosza, Bea Ujj
Digital Painter: Norbert Birgany, Norbert Szabo, Krisztian Gacsi, Alex Szabo, Gyula Pozsgay
Producer: Tamas Vaspori
Project Manager: Agnes Szentannai
Office Manager: Adrien Kelemen