Winner of Most InAVative Live Event of the Year at InAVation Awards 2017. This outstanding, award-winning event could not have happened without the cooperation and support of Team Audi Communications, NIYU media projects , loop light , VER GmbH and Pure Perfection.
Best Live Event
The event collected several wins and honors in categories public relations and special event at the international Galaxy Award competition.
Silver, Bronze
The event was honored with the most important German award – Famab Award in the Cross category live PR as the Best Live PR.
Best Live PR
Maxin10sity was nominated for the InAVation Awards 2015 Best Live Event Project for the iMapp Bucharest 555
Chartres en Lumières International Videomapping Contest (Third Edition)
(Chartres, France)
Animation: Laszlo Czigany, Andras Sass
1st Prize
Arranged as part of Circle of Light Moscow International Festival.
(Moscow, Russia)
Art Director: Laszlo Czigany, Animation: Laszlo Czigany, Andras Sass, Benedek Pozsgay
1st Prize
Genius Loci International Projection Mapping Competition.
City Castle courtyard
(Weimar, Germany)
Art Director: Laszlo Czigany, Animation: Laszlo Czigany, Andras Sass, Benedek Pozsgay, Viktor Váradi
1st Prize
Chartres en lumieres - Projection Mapping Contest
Chartres en Lumières International Projection Mapping Competition (Second Edition)
(Chartres, France)
Art Director: Laszlo Czigany, Animation: Laszlo Czigany
1st Prize
Septembeam International Projection Mapping Contest for Mercedes-Benz
(Olomouc, Czech Republic)
Art Director: Laszlo Czigany, Animation: Laszlo Czigany, Andras Sass
Special Prize
Chartres en lumieres - Projection Mapping Contest
Chartres en Lumières International Videomapping Competition (First Edition)
(Chartres, France)
Art Director: Laszlo Czigany, Animation: Laszlo Czigany
1st Prize
Paint UP! Hungarian Projection Mapping Competition
First Projection Mapping Competition organised by Visualpower Ltd.
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
(Budapest, Hungary)
Art Director: Laszlo Czigany, Animation: Laszlo Czigany
3rd Prize