FINA Budapest 2017 World Championship Opening Ceremony Projection Mapping on Buda Castle
Building: Buda Castle
Budapest, Hungary, 14/07/2017
We proudly present the so far biggest projection mapping show in Hungary, that most of you have been awaiting for. Our beloved work for the 17th FINA World Championships Opening Ceremony / Nyitóünnepség was made in collaboration with Bordos.ArtWorks and technically supported by Visualpower Kft., on the façade of the emblematic Buda Castle with the organization by MÜPA. During the ceremony this mapping show brighten the building in different topics like Renaissance, the presentation of the Championships’ locations and then crown the event with the finale mapping.
Event Organizer: MUPA
Producer: Tamas Vaspori
Sales Manager: Laszlo Veres
Art Directors: Laszlo Czigany, Laszlo Zsolt Bordos
Project Coordinator: Andras Sass
Production Manager: Zoltan Fodor
Project Manager: Agnes Szentannai
3D Artists: Daniel Cseuz, Ivo Kovacs, Viktor Lukacs, Aurel Kertai, Kornel Sevinger, Balogh András Miklos, Daniel Szalko, László Zsolt Bordos, Gabor Abbas, Maxime Guislain
2D Artist: Gyula Pozsgay
Laserscan: Gabor Toth (Totalscan)
3D Modeller: Aniko Labancz
Music: Laszlo Goz
Video: Drone Media Studio
Technical Provider: VisualPower Kft.